The first was on the front page, from which the unsmiling faces of two soldiers stared out.
The stern, unsmiling face of an older Asian man filled the screen.
Such was not to be as he simply regarded Riker with an unsmiling face.
Damian was already there, drinking black coffee, his face hard and unsmiling.
He struggled to open his eyes and found himself blinking up at a dark unsmiling face.
The woman with the unsmiling face apparently wasn't with anyone; she turned and started away.
His tiny door was flung open and he found himself staring up into the unsmiling faces of two soldiers.
The sheriff stared at her, his face hard and unsmiling.
Behind her, Nahum was looking on with an unsmiling face.
She looked at his unsmiling face, said slowly, "By any chance are you bawling me out?"