When the lift doors opened, there were two unsmiling young coloured men waiting for him.
He was an unsmiling thin man, only two years older than Ba.
She slipped out of the room as an unsmiling man of medium build entered.
He was a pale, unsmiling man, with lank black hair that fell always over his eyes.
A cluster of unsmiling men listened patiently in the central plaza.
Immediately behind him came three unsmiling men in the gray silk-sheen uniforms of security.
A handful of unsmiling men in gold chains looked on.
Looking right up the barrel of a gaussrifle held by another silent and unsmiling man in gray.
Two were big, unsmiling men, clearly locals, who looked more like bandits in a movie than relief workers.
He was a stern, unsmiling man, and hated all forms of precocity.