An unsmiling woman sat in a chair behind a desk attached to the rear wall.
An ageless, unsmiling woman in a plain navy shift answered the door, asked her to wait then disappeared down the hallway.
She received her temporary visa from the unsmiling woman.
Eileen lingered over a picture of an unsmiling, curly-haired woman with dark eyes.
At the main gate, minibuses brought in family members for a visit, many of them solemn young children and unsmiling women in black robes.
The unsmiling woman who looked back at her presented precisely the sort of image she wanted to project--elegant, sophisticated and a bit remote.
I was edging toward the nearest exit when a tall, unsmiling woman swept into the office.
The librarian, a short, unsmiling woman of sixty, glanced up from her work.
"That long tale, not for telling here," said the woman, unsmiling.