Because the house wasn't sold out, they were given other unsold seats as a courtesy.
Aware that he could not stay for the entire performance, he slipped into an unsold seat in the back row.
Any unsold seats are available at reduced prices two hours prior to performance.
It boasts the world's biggest video screen but is facing thousands of empty, unsold seats.
There hasn't been an unsold seat since - a string of 128 games, including playoffs.
With nearly 4,000 unsold seats for every home game, a sub-.500 record, what is the point of standing pat?
Airline employees and many of their family members can fly standby, taking unsold seats.
The second rule is to watch for signs that an airline has unsold seats.
Then, about a month before the start of the new season, all unsold seats are turned over to the box office.
Then the opera house resells 200 of them at $20 each two hours before curtain time as long that many unsold seats remains.