As the questioning continued for several minutes, he became visibly tense, saying he felt no compulsion to offer unsolicited comments on every such situation.
In response to his unsolicited comments, she had him removed from the courtroom several times as testimony proceeded without him.
No one else in the Mets' universe would inspire such a comment, especially unsolicited.
If a new model provokes plenty of unsolicited, favorable comments, it is likely to be a success.
After long service with a general officer, a full colonel might offer unsolicited comments the way Lowell was, but never a major.
Mr. Morris noted, though, that Morgan had received a "number of unsolicited comments by people interested in bidding."
If I might add some unsolicited comments to the debriefing, Commander, your attitude on this matter puzzles me.
While preparing for the trial, he admitted being annoyed by a certain amount of unsolicited comment.
They all get unsolicited comments on the street.
In an earlier interview, Mr. Becton's mother had made an unsolicited comment.