The film explores the state of tragedy, the incomprehension we face when confronted with great, unspeakable loss.
He had, in the end, come to admire Geleth, who had survived unspeakable losses with her spirit unbroken.
The fallen knight howled, and his voice was a wail of regret and unspeakable loss.
The Kranolta had taken unspeakable losses throughout the long Mardukan day, but still they insisted on charging the castle.
We mourn the unspeakable loss of our treasured mentor and friend.
And then he wailed, a cry of unspeakable loss.
Our eyes met, did a little dance of unspeakable loss, and then disengaged.
She had suffered a horrible, unspeakable loss.
Some of them had a numbness in their eyes that told of unspeakable loss.
The sense of unspeakable loss that followed went deeper and lasted longer.