The ferocious heat, the unspeakable pleasure of going wild with her hazed his vision until the world was drenched with it.
It flooded into her, swelled inside her, that unspeakable pleasure, the pressure, the frantic war to end, to prolong.
It was impossible to think through the barrage of sensations, the unspeakable pleasure.
He laughed again, running a long tongue over his lips in memory of unspeakable pleasures.
"Well, then, your Majesty can confer on me a pleasure unspeakable, a pleasure incomparable."
There was Slaanesh, depraved god of unspeakable pleasures.
Endless, unspeakable pleasure that rolled inside her belly and up to the heart.
"I shall always take unspeakable pleasure in serving them."
Where he took her was all dazzling speed and unspeakable pleasure.
Then the wide stare unspeakable pleasures sunk beneath it.