The Elysium is powered by an unspecified form of nuclear power.
Shortly later, Susan dies from an unspecified form of blood disorder.
These are traumatic times for Venezuela's President Hugo Chávez, who recently revealed that he was suffering from an unspecified form of cancer.
The Times tower would remain in unspecified form.
He died in 1998 on the night of the Illinois primary, after developing an unexpected pulmonary embolism while undergoing chemotherapy for an unspecified form of cancer.
Howard committed suicide in 2006 following a diagnosis with an unspecified form of advanced stage cancer.
She was born with an unspecified form of intersex, and was brought up as a boy until her late teens.
Then, if she had baffled the pursuit of the Masters, she might head toward Andelain, hoping to find an unspecified form of insight or support.
Mr. Perot went on to pledge not to raise taxes in any event without some unspecified form of advance "clearance" from the American people.
Mr. de Klerk's offer did little more than raise the prospect of some still unspecified form of transitional government and Parliament that would include blacks.