In August, it announced a 10-year affiliation agreement with Capital Cities/ABC that calls for substantially higher, though unspecified payments.
Called the Premium Payment grant, the money is a precursor to as yet unspecified payments that will be made next year to householders who generate their own renewable heat.
In return, Duke would make an unspecified "appropriate payment" but admit no wrongdoing.
Blackstone said it would pay Prime $133 million in cash, $7 million in notes and other unspecified payments for the 65 percent controlling interest.
Among the legal fees would be an unspecified payment to Joseph D. Jamail Jr., the trial lawyer who won the original judgment against Texaco of $10.53 billion plus interest.
Rorer will also receive guaranteed royalties from Maalox for an indefinite number of years and an unspecified up-front payment.
She was under investigation for allegedly ordering unspecified illegal payments in her former post but denied direct responsibility or any resulting personal gain.
The Picketts will receive an unspecified payment from Wang and Kumar if a new arena is built within 10 years.
NBC, which has a contract to show major league baseball on Saturdays, said it had made an unspecified payment to baseball to show games this Sunday.
The town magistrates persuaded him to continue marching, in return for an unspecified payment, and the town was spared.