Now, as eco-tourism continues to grow, island governments and tourism officials are seeking to showcase and, in some cases, save the unspoiled places that remain.
This project targets the last unspoiled place on Long Island for urban-type development.
I have traveled extensively in Russia and have not yet found any other place quite so unspoiled.
And there's a sort of philosophical disconnect between people who love this view of Vermont as an unspoiled place where business doesn't mix.
This is one of the few unspoiled places in China, a destination for increasing numbers of Chinese and foreign tourists in recent years.
Despite himself, he entertains romantic notions of an unspoiled mystical place where "gospel and empire had never taken hold."
The latecomers, meanwhile, arrive from the ruins of previous vacations and marvel at how unspoiled this new place is.
It was here, however, that I learned to appreciate the beauty of wild, unspoiled places.
The idea is to have an unspoiled place to experience a perfume's aura.
Canadians live in a big country graced with an abundance of unspoiled places.