And the only thing he could read in the gesture was rakish camaraderie, a sort of flippant, unspoken bond.
It had always been an unspoken bond between them.
"There is an unspoken bond among us that transcends culture, history, nationality and language," she writes.
Still, an unspoken but strong bond united Cal and me.
The unspoken bond between the two resurfaces as they work on the same case.
But now there seemed an unspoken bond that had developed between this monster and themselves.
Nevertheless, an unspoken bond continues to unite them.
The pair share an "unspoken bond" because of their past experiences and he "understands exactly what she's going through."
The two of them shared an unspoken bond.
For a moment their eyes met, and it was like that first time, when an unspoken bond had formed between them.