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And unstability - that's Swords, of course, that balance on the knife's edge, or the sword hanging by a thread.
This is because defaming the King or the royal family will, and some would argue, has already, caused political unstability in Thailand.
You will most likely be engaged in a law suit, in which you will lose from the unstability of your witness.
Valindra still suffers from some mental unstability and spends the majority of the battle watching from afar.
Due to the unstability of xenon fluoride, it is impossible to synthesize organoxenon compound by using general organic reagents.
Meanstreak helped him construct this machine and they actually started it but President Doom arrived and shut it down because of its unstability.
The kinetic unstability of the fluoronium ion is responsible for the extreme acidity of fluoroantimonic acid.
Bangkok was praised for its accommodations and facilities, but like Athens, the venues were too spread out and the nation was also experiencing some political unstability.
Unlikely alliances had to be made between left and right-wing parties in order to form a government invested by the National Assembly, which resulted in strong parliamentary unstability.
The Condor 2, he said, "far from contributing to our security, made us more vulnerable, raised the unstability in other regions of the world, and seriously affected our country's prestige."
Due to the global recession and unstability in the economic and political scenario in the country, the FDI in Pakistan slowed down adversely affecting the company.
Ríos' presidency was marked from the very beginning by parliamentary unstability, caused by rivalries between the different political tendencies in his cabinet, and the renewed and increased influence of Congress.
Another source of unstability is given by the rising number of humans exhibiting extrasensory perception, the so-called ESPers, who are constantly hunted down by the Japanese Police force.
Into the 19th century, the Napoleonic invasion devastated the country and its early attempts in industrialization and led to chronic political unstability, with Spain remaining politically and culturally isolated from the rest of Europe.
It has been observed, such as the case of Garthan Saal, that some exposures to the Nova Force can induce madness and mental unstability with prolonged exposure to extremely high ( likely above "Prime" levels).
In May 2009, Julia persuaded her mentally ill colleague Ruth Pearce (Selina Chilton) to move in with her due to her unstability, where Julia cared for her, until Ruth returned back to work, healthy.