On March 1, 1997, very unstable air invaded much of the affected area while much warmer temperatures were recorded.
This means that unstable air is now stable when it reaches the equilibrium level and convection stops.
This creates unstable air, creating the potential for storms to strike the most during these months.
"That's all we needed with this unstable, hot, humid air to kick off the thunderstorms."
More occasionally, very warm unstable air is present around fronts and low-pressure centers.
The machine began to lift beneath them, rise and steady in the hot, unstable air.
The energy needed to keep it turning in the unstable airs of Virga would beggar any normal nation.
A deepening low pressure system formed in Colorado as a warm front lifted north pulling warm, moist, unstable air.
They also occur in the cool unstable air which often follows the passage of a cold front from the sea during winter.
Her thoughts dipped and lifted in unstable air.