People have opposed cohabitation because they believed that it led to an unstable environment for a child's development.
The show suggests he is poor and lives in an unstable environment.
Kulik grew up in an unstable environment and, when his father died, tried to commit suicide.
The people of Holland found themselves living in an unstable, watery environment.
In my opinion, we haven't seen this unstable an international environment since the Cuban missile crisis.
It could produce a government with no legitimacy in a very unstable environment.
And yet, this is the kind of unstable environment created by the rush for a lucrative job.
This is particularly useful when the country has an unstable political environment that is not safe for contractors.
"Such a trial, given the impact upon Arabs, is a natural target for an act of terrorism in this most unstable environment."
This provides a chaotic or unstable environment for the processes.