The collaboration entity is in a relatively unstable form.
Radionuclide: an unstable and therefore radioactive form of a nuclide.
The drug is stored in liquid or if unstable, lyophilized form.
Even in the ancient world, confusion surrounded this deity, as evidenced by the multiple and unstable forms of his name.
Or, "It seems to me that anarchy would be a very unstable form of government, don't you think?"
Between the two states is an unstable form of the substance involved in the reaction.
They are usually dressed in long robes to hide their unstable forms.
The Pecukan requires the most skill to fly, as its unstable form often tumbles towards the ground.
Pollution and environmental changes are resulting in an increasingly fragile and more unstable form of production.
Anthropologists and archaeologists have demonstrated through research that chiefdoms are a relatively unstable form of social organization.