Completed in 1999, it spans a 440-metre stretch of unstable land, replacing a narrow, winding, dangerous road that was prone to avalanches, slips and closures.
They are also building relationships that would be valuable if the United States leads a war against President Saddam Hussein's government and later occupies this historically unstable land.
Either the digging or the filling-in of the oyster company's fishpools created soft, unstable land.
A1 California is vulnerable to disaster for the same reason that it exists at all: People have constructed a beautiful, though artificial, environment on dry, rough and unstable land.
To the mammoths, the agonized roar of the ice was loud and continuous, a constant reminder that this was an unstable land, a place of change and danger.
"There wasn't a quake in that region," Teressa Aliss continued, "and we know that the settlement wasn't built on unstable land, over sinkholes or caverns with weakened walls."
Yet here they were, merrily riding into this unstable land with the clear intention of arousðing those influences in order to bind them.
Owing to the unstable land on which the park is situated, landslides occur frequently, meaning that attractions have continually to be moved further inland to safer ground.
Bucaramanga is located on a plateau in the Cordillera Oriental of the Colombian Andes, and many residents occupy unstable lands descending steeply from the meseta.
Imagination, feeling herself for once unshackled, roamed at will among the ever-changing wonders of a shadowy and unstable land.