One-third of brides under 18 years of age are pregnant, leading to many unstable marriages.
This is the period when Radhi is known nationwide for controversies of his unstable marriage and his fight against drugs addiction.
Such factors include an unstable or unsatisfactory marriage, a sense of self based primarily on identity as a parent, or difficulty accepting change in general.
And Venice cannot afford to have Marco Valdosta in an unstable marriage.
Growing up, Betty dealt with the unstable marriage of her parents; her father was an abusive alcoholic.
Alistair has an unstable marriage with his wife and colleague Janice, with whom he has a daughter, Flora.
"On the unstable marriage of reproductive and sexual rights: the case for a trial separation."
They married in 1937, but it was a rocky and unstable marriage, described as a "succession of fights and drinking bouts.
Her husband said with a faint smile, "It's not for the unstable marriage."
The surprise gift strengthens what had been a somewhat unstable marriage.