On foreign policy, the new administration will confront difficult questions about how to deal with unstable and potentially aggressive nations like Iraq and North Korea.
Over the past three years, it has come to encompass three deeply troubled and unstable nations in a set of loosely connected conflicts.
It would also decrease the national security threat of relying on oil from unstable or unfriendly nations.
Cambodia remains a suffering and unstable nation, a nation of 8 million victims of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Antagonistic factions in unstable nations have often forcibly applied enemas as a means of punishment.
The contribution of funding to economically unstable nations has helped to create more economic opportunities.
For example, politically unstable and war-torn nations pose a greater risk to supply restriction than developed peaceful nations.
Even so, she deserves praise for steering her unstable nation back on a democratic path, whether it endures or not.
There are some 1,400 "crop diversity collections" around the world, but many are in politically unstable or environmentally threatened nations.
The weaker and more unstable nations went by the board, torn apart by starvation and dissent.