These unstable particles are then magnetically focused into a long tunnel where they decay while in flight.
Such a collection forms an unstable particle called a glueball.
An unstable particle simply has a finite, indeterminate lifetime describable only by probabilities.
Muons are unstable particles but they live long enough to leave the detector.
Both stable and unstable particles can be made in this way.
The protons hit a fixed target and produce unstable particles that decay, releasing a neutrino.
A meson is any of about 150 kinds of unstable subatomic particles.
It is most often used to model resonances (unstable particles) in high-energy physics.
The same linewidth effect also makes it difficult to specify the rest mass of unstable, fast-decaying particles in particle physics.
Because of this, scattering processes and decay of unstable particles are important in cosmology.