The point, however, is that people with unstable personalities were more susceptible to Ruin's influence, even if they didn't have a spike in them.
He had a seemingly unstable and insane personality - not unlike a raging psychopath.
As he sought to resolidify his grip, Riker quickly ran through what you were supposed to do when dealing with an unstable personality.
He'd succeeded in pitting the divided elements of Sonja's unstable personality against one another.
Rish seemed calm enough now, but you couldn't tell with unstable personalities.
A malicious, essentially unstable personality, he thought in his first glimpse of the eyes.
But, while undoubtedly an attractive figure, Malenfant has long been regarded by commentators as an unstable personality.
The prosecution said Griffiths had convictions for violence that demonstrated his unstable personality.
Suder was a fellow telepath, and a dangerously unstable personality.