Reaching unstable regimes, instant prime ministers, revolutionary juntas we shoulMt be touching.
Moreover, he declared: "We now rely on unstable and unfriendly regimes to meet our energy needs.
It is equally incredible that the Clinton administration regarded such an unstable, anti-Western regime as a "strategic partner."
The Gulf region is still surrounded by unstable and ambitious regimes, inside of which are conflicts between rigid extremists and oppressed moderates.
Adding more unstable regimes to the pool of oil suppliers will not give the United States energy security.
It could happen again, if not in Iraq then in some neighboring, unstable regimes.
"Congress did not debate or vote on this agreement, which set U.S. policy toward an unstable regime in an unstable region of the world."
The new republic soon had a reputation as Europe's most unstable regime.
Tough competition in the world's weapons market obliged Ukraine to consider exporting arms to politically unstable or even aggressive regimes.
We must stop sending billions of dollars, which could be invested here in America, to unstable foreign regimes.