And there is something else out there, an unstated question, also gnawing at people: If our own kids can shoot other kids at school, how can we ever hope to cure Kosovo?
"But they're not altering course," Desjani agreed, an-swering Geary's unstated question.
Underlying the film is a powerful, unstated question: were the gains worth the losses?
"I'll be here when you get back," she replied to his unstated question.
While it was the unstated question on every mind, that Kline would actually ask this with the jury present sends Radovich into a fury.
"I'm sorry I can't advise you, Kenyon," the lawyer said in answer to Kenting's unstated question.
He picks up her unstated question.
Malloy addressed the unstated question to Willingham.
I answered the unstated question.
By the end of the night Mr. Nicholls's performance had devolved into a series of unstated questions: Can I get through this song without a single decipherable word?