"I'm not sure if we're inconsistent or following an unstated rule."
Anybody who doesn't go along with the unstated rules gets frozen out.
The unstated rules are more confining.
The use of unstated rules of recognition, by courts and others, in identifying particular rules of the system is characteristic of the internal point of view.
It may now be an internal statement applying an accepted but unstated rule of recognition and meaning (roughly) no more than 'valid given the systems criteria of validity'.
Although the jokes were mild, the manager dismissed Mr. White for violating an unstated rule that black comedians refrain from wisecracks aimed at white customers.
The unstated rule is that you can cancel only on those whom you genuinely like; only a true friend would understand.
She told me that according to the unstated rules of Los Angeles car culture, I did not do anything wrong.
One unstated rule was never to let Mr. Bartels hit a restroom alone.
Duane Reade, he said, "is upsetting the unstated rules."