It is named for Jack Mabley, a Chicago columnist, in recognition of his unstinting support for the project.
Yon praised her for what he saw as her unstinting support for her troops.
The port of Tartus is part of the reason for Moscow's unstinting support.
Paige commented "The last five years have flown by and I'd like to thank the listeners for their unstinting support."
Special kudos go to Dean Rubinowitz of the law school for his unstinting support of Peace.
Once the election was under way however the Unionists did issue a manifesto urging their supporters to give their unstinting support to the Liberal candidate.
And yet while most of his parishioners share his views, not all share his unstinting support for the President.
The Commission would like to thank Parliament for its unstinting support in this area.
I know already that the European Parliament will lend us its unstinting support in these efforts.
But they argue that they have the unstinting support of other black political leaders, many of whom have been visible on the platform this week.