"He was an unstoppable weapon."
The Galaxy Master was created by an unknown alien civilization who had meant for it to be an unstoppable weapon.
Although it is not an unstoppable weapon, it is a singular skill that creates an advantage for one team and problems for the opposition.
But those instruments in the wrong hands would make an unstoppable weapon.
Once he refitted the tool, he would have an unstoppable weapon at his command.
The admiralty, however, remained concerned that the Borg would eventually adapt to this seemingly unstoppable weapon, thereby robbing Starfleet of its last effective defense.
The real thing is needed to metamorphose it into this most potent, untraceable, unstoppable weapon.
Once tamed by the C.I.A., she is an unstoppable lethal weapon who discharges her task with a machinelike efficiency.
Control over this undetectable, unstoppable, and incurable weapon would give him the power he had long desired.
It is an explosive, and so far unstoppable, weapon that is making the Bills feel awfully good about their chances against the Giants.