The second is on solutions created out of unstructured content on the web being structured for analysis, often referred to as web harvesting.
Content management systems (CMS) are more commercially oriented and provide a framework for knowledge management or informational service offerings through the management of unstructured, document-type content.
Discover your unstructured content - discovery is a priority!
It enables IT organizations and cloud service providers to store, protect, preserve and retrieve unstructured content with a single storage platform.
HCP eliminates the need for a siloed approach to storing unstructured content.
Wikifier, a module that incorporates Wikipedia information into web page content (data contextualization for unstructured content)
AIE integrates structured data and unstructured content in a single index so it can be searched, manipulated and analyzed comprehensively.
This integration links structured and unstructured content and captures all patient information.
Broadly speaking, it pertains to the management of both structured and unstructured content within an enterprise.
Typically NAS has been associated with storing unstructured content as files.