The escalation of the computer malfunction was no longer an unsubstantiated theory, it was fact.
You don't take your weird feelings, your unsubstantiated theories, and pass them on to a reporter.
There was a stream-of-consciousness quality to the coverage, and many unsubstantiated theories about what had caused the blast made it onto the air.
It is a fact that a professor is not on a soapbox delivering unsubstantiated theories to a willing audience.
But as these events suggest, the span and speed of cyberspace make it the perfect vehicle for sloppy reporting and unsubstantiated theories.
As so many scientifically unsubstantiated theories do, these ideas snowballed over time until they were considered factual, despite a decided lack of scientific evidence.
The media coverage after the emails were released was based on email statements quoted out of context and on unsubstantiated theories of conspiracy.
She was getting more certain by the minute, but she didn't want Mrs. Bum-ham spreading an unsubstantiated theory at this point.
A popular though as yet unsubstantiated theory holds that a small party of Cathar Perfects escaped from the fortress before the massacre at prat dels cremats.
The cause of damage to the mummy can only be speculated upon, and the alleged revenge is an unsubstantiated theory.