As a young lawyer, he took part in the unsuccessful battle to keep organized prayer in public schools.
His unsuccessful battle for Harrods led to eight years of legal wrangling that he only called off last fall.
After the unsuccessful battle Yurii began talks with the Poles.
The statement, in turn, heartened shareholders that he might renew his unsuccessful battle for control of the gambling concern.
Its first battle as a regiment, was the unsuccessful second battle of Gaza, where they fought on foot.
The dispossessed queen was extremely and waged an unsuccessful legal battle to get her authority restored.
In it she gave details of her transition and her unsuccessful battle with the European Commission.
Mrs. Dukakis has also fought a long and largely unsuccessful battle to stop smoking.
"Microsoft, internet service providers, banks and web companies have fought long but so far unsuccessful battles against botnets"
It was, of course, long before her marriage to Charles Bronson and her ultimately unsuccessful battle against cancer.