Hannan was later an unsuccessful challenger for the World Championship.
He also helped finance an unsuccessful primary challenger during Smith's re-election campaign in 1954.
Flood, the original, albeit unsuccessful, challenger of the reserve clause, did just that.
Thistle was the unsuccessful Scottish challenger of the seventh America's Cup in 1887 against American defender Volunteer.
Sovereign (K-12) was the unsuccessful challenger of the 1964 America's Cup for the Royal Thames Yacht Club.
Valkyrie III was the unsuccessful British challenger of the ninth America's Cup race in 1895 against American defender Defender.
Galatea was the unsuccessful Scottish challenger of the sixth America's Cup race in 1886 against American defender Mayflower.
Cambria was the first, though unsuccessful, challenger attempting to lift the America's Cup from the New York Yacht Club.
She was the unsuccessful challenger in the 1920 America's Cup.
Sceptre (K-17) was the unsuccessful challenger of the 1958 America's Cup for the Royal Yacht Squadron.