Gillis Long had been an unsuccessful gubernatorial contender against John McKeithen in the primary held in December 1963.
In April 2009, Dung was an unsuccessful contender to become traditional ruler of the Berom people in Jos.
Afonso Dhlakama, Renamo's candidate and its unsuccessful presidential contender in the two previous elections, has complained that those elections were stolen from him.
Matterson was also an unsuccessful contender for the World Title.
Gary Hart, the former senator from Colorado and unsuccessful Democratic presidential contender, has served as counsel at the firm since the early 1990's.
Peter Reith, an unsuccessful contender for the leadership, was elected as deputy leader.
Wrights was an unsuccessful contender for the 2012 presidential nomination of the Libertarian Party, and he finished as first runner-up to Gary Johnson.
Incumbent Bill Bradley, an unsuccessful contender for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1988, was selected in New Jersey as his party's choice for the Senate.
He was an unsuccessful contender for the 1920 Democratic Party nomination for president.
In the early 1980s, Mercia Television was an unsuccessful contender for the Midlands franchise, then owned by ATV.