Bethel residents for many years waged an unsuccessful fight to find out what chemical releases were causing the odors from the Vanderbilt plant.
Another tenant was Alice Chittenden, 53, who in the 1910's had lectured widely in an unsuccessful fight against giving women the right to vote.
One of his students was Randy Pausch, who gained national renown during his ultimately unsuccessful two-year fight with pancreatic cancer.
Rushdie refers to various examples from India, Pakistan and Iran to demonstrate the authorities' unsuccessful fight against the invasion of pornography in everyday life.
Some of these companies helped finance Colgate-Palmolive's so far unsuccessful fight to win approval for the shelter in court.
King Mwanga was again deposed in 1897 when he rejected British rule and led an unsuccessful fight for independence.
He led the Administration's unsuccessful fight to persuade Congress to permit greater mixing of the commercial banking and securities businesses.
The term is attributed to Floyd Landis, who used it during his unsuccessful fight to clear his name on doping charges.
He served as premier of Nova Scotia from 1860 to 1863 and led the unsuccessful fight against Canadian Confederation from 1866 to 1868.
Mr. Regan's lawyers waged a late, unsuccessful fight to delay the trial because of the possible invasion of Iraq.