Mauritania later surrendered its claim after fighting an unsuccessful war against the Polisario Front.
In unsuccessful wars, a certain rot tends to set in.
The unsuccessful wars with the Capetians obliged the monarchy to develop new taxes and fiscal mechanisms.
The former had concentrated on genetically-engineered super soldiers recently come back from an unsuccessful war in South America.
His response was to send the tanks into East Pakistan in a bloody, yet unsuccessful war.
The specter of United States credibility was raised before in recent memory to prolong an unsuccessful war.
A less legitimate gain, but one which might still be made in an unsuccessful war, was to exploit the system of contracting to provide troops.
For many people, it has represented an expensive, unnecessary, and unsuccessful war against the body.
In the context of the 1848 liberal revolutions that swept through Europe, an unsuccessful war was declared on Austria.
After that unsuccessful war, a part of the Kelmendi clans fled their lands.