An often unsung player, Venus was noted for his left foot, his right being useful only for standing.
Auriemma said Berube, often called the most unsung player on the team, has become the steadying force on the team.
Although he was just one of those unsung players that goes out and does their job, teammates admired Tuinei for his ability and toughness.
Tillstrom wasn't the only unsung player for whom the qualifying rounds proved motivational; the upset syndrome also struck twice on the women's side.
Ledesma is one of many unsung and underrated Argentinian professional rugby players.
"He's been sort of an unsung player," Dombrowski said.
But this game also belonged to several unsung players, all of whom were waiting by the telephone three weeks ago in anticipation of being traded.
To this group of unsung players, if you are going to play an obscure position, you are better off performing it in an uncompromising one.
There's also Steve Smith, who is a great blocker, and an unsung player on this team.
The result was strong performances from two unsung players on the Providence front line.