There, as a member of the audience, he participates just enough to get on camera and have his work seen by millions of unsuspecting viewers.
"This has happened to you; you just don't know it," she said of unsuspecting viewers watching classic films on television, adding that the manipulation distressed her.
For the unsuspecting viewer, a singing mounted fish can be quite a humorous surprise, which seems to be the key to its charm.
But unsuspecting viewers watching when the spot made its debut last week were in for an even bigger surprise.
This is the show where HFW is exposed for what he really is.... a "brand" to be peddled to unsuspecting, gullible viewers who believe that he means what he says.
But it is Nijinsky's frankness in treating sexuality via a visibly aroused creature (half man, half beast) that, of course, can still jolt an unsuspecting viewer.
This trend will probably continue until that dark day when some unsuspecting viewer happens upon a junior Congressman draped in diamonds, humbly thanking a certain nonprofit network for his gleaming Spanny award.
What's cool, though, is how exactly it works - more specifically, how TV ads both reflect culture and drive it forward, pulling us unsuspecting viewers along with it.
An unsuspecting viewer would never guess the movie is in Swedish with English subtitles.
One folktale claims that if an unsuspecting viewer were to look into the eyes of Eternal Silence's hooded figure, the viewer would be shown a vision of his or her own death.