An unsuspecting visitor would have noticed nothing unusual about it, except that the lawn and gardens were attractive.
The result can be embarrassment and consternation for unsuspecting visitors.
However, they are waiting for unsuspecting visitors to become number 13.
The poor unsuspecting visitors were in for perhaps the most traumatic experience of their lives.
On the other hand, some snorkelers may use camouflage in order to surprise unsuspecting visitors.
The unsuspecting visitor is left permanently in the grip of a double-take.
Sometimes he would appear to be a mannequin, standing still until an unsuspecting visitor stepped in front of him.
He is constantly trying different ways to catch food and/or shelter from unsuspecting visitors.
It is a pretty sight, and the unsuspecting visitor might take satisfaction from the obvious health of the reeds.
Security guards are known to come up to unsuspecting visitors and say "Touch it!