Ah, how is it possible for the untaught heart to keep its faith, unswerving, in the face of dire misrule, and palpable, unrebuked injustice?
The Carters' songs are grounded in an unswerving faith and a willingness to face inevitable loss and death.
Eric Clapton's "Tears in Heaven" became a soulful anthem of unswerving faith.
He and his brothers - Graham, 9, and Griffin, 7 - share an unswerving faith in their own invincibility.
He became a hero in a society dominated by violence; notwithstanding his liberal views, his unswerving faith and obvious bravery led to immense respect.
The college anthem shows the unswerving faith of those belonging to the College in the grace and help of the Almighty.
Gospel choirs exiled from their home churches regrouped to sing about unswerving faith.
These men all possessed an unswerving faith in the notion that markets are fundamentally rational and efficient, and that every price generated in that marketplace is the correct one.
But there is also reverence, unswerving faith, disinterested kindness, gratitude and a wistful hope of getting on in life.
The author recounts his career as an evangelist, which is based on an unswerving faith that fosters his appeal, Andrew Sullivan said in the Book Review last year.