Peppard, who had difficulties dealing with the somewhat unsympathetic role of patriarch Blake Carrington, was quickly replaced with John Forsythe.
The movie's biggest disappointment is the vague, unfocused performance of Ms. Ricci, an actress known for taking risky, unsympathetic roles.
Switching to the unsympathetic role of battering mother, Ms. Fawcett is equally powerful, putting together a tough portrait that never for a moment asks for sympathy.
But you're asking me - with Chinese blood - to do the only unsympathetic role in the picture featuring an all-American cast portraying Chinese characters.
Man on Fire is a 1957 film starring Bing Crosby in a rare non-singing, unsympathetic role.
Howard St. John (October 9, 1905 - March 13, 1974) was a Chicago-born character actor who specialized in unsympathetic roles.
Tony Randall is in an unsympathetic role, a car salesman looking for a good time.
Mr. Grant, who plays an uncharacteristically unsympathetic role, was able to ad-lib a revealingly acid twist on his exit line in one scene, she said.
Sally Forrest is impressive, too, in an unsympathetic role.
In 1949's White Heat she took on the unsympathetic role of the cold and treacherous "Verna Jarrett", opposite James Cagney.