There is natural wealth still untapped.
The club then turned to the wealth of talent, hitherto largely untapped, in Rugby League.
The United States can retain its energy independence while relying on foreign sources of supply, leaving much of its own untapped wealth in the ground as a strategic reserve.
- Wealth forest: extending over an area of 167.311 hectares or about 57% of the total area of the state, and among the trees of this untapped wealth no cork, camphor, medicinal herbs.
U.S. Supported Habre About 2,000 Libyan soldiers are believed to occupy several bases in the Aouzou region, a mineral-rich area that is said to contain much untapped wealth.
She formed the Ulster Society of Women Artists in 1957, as she felt that there was an untapped wealth of talent among the women artists of Northern Ireland.
The nationalists also overvalue the islands' untapped wealth, compared with Russia's need for foreign investment.
Her seductive green eyes held secrets he longed to discover, and in her kisses he detected an untapped wealth of passion.
You have an untapped wealth of people who have been involved in emergency services.
Business offers a tremendous and largely untapped wealth of opportunities for curriculum enrichment - content and process - with many valuable spin-offs for both business and education.