That space is now a fenced-in and largely untended garden.
It is a forlorn building sitting amid untended gardens a short walk from the general's office.
Souvestre, a vast untended garden, gone to seed.
A little untended garden by and large, and in a grotto, covered over with green moss, the Virgin standing.
Karla's first impression was that she was looking at an untended garden similar to something she might see in a public park.
"You're like a rose blooming in an untended garden, my dear."
Once a private beach club, it had been taken over by the government, and it showed - peeling paint, broken pathways, untended gardens.
Ahead appeared a cluster of squat buildings with an untended garden in front and a scrapheap behind.
"All the doubts that ever were are growing like weeds in the untended garden that was Ireland."
While exploring the gardens, Mary comes across a badger hole and finds a key belonging to the untended garden.