Squishy hunches about untested products for uncharted markets need not apply, no matter how brilliantly conceived.
At the moment, however, the hype about probiotics and the explosion of untested products in the United States have outstripped the science.
In 1994 Georgetown distributed 100,000 Magic Attic catalogues and sold more than 2,000 dolls, a giddy success for an untested, expensive product.
In an example of the dangers of untested and unregulated herbal products, doctors are reporting that a Chinese herb, already linked to kidney failure, may cause cancer as well.
The Russians seem ready to buy untested products.
When one of the members of the town council voices concern about the environmental impact of the untested product, Mr. Twitchell has her dropped through a trapdoor.
The Apple board of directors instructed Sculley to "contain" Jobs and limit his ability to launch expensive forays into untested products.
Agency officials said no specific reports of dangers with other untested products were driving the new move for review of these products, which is required by law.
Local doctors have criticized Dr. Goldstein's reliance on untested products, and some have been offended by his attacks on conventional practices.
The price is high (up to $1 million per company), and many businesses are reluctant to invest in an untested product.