Would thinking such once unthinkable thoughts be a betrayal of the remarkable man now in Gemelli Hospital?
Fear clutched at his insides, the cold, sick feeling that accompanies unthinkable thoughts.
Perhaps their willingness to state 'the unthinkable thought' will lead to more objective thinking about religion and tolerance.
What I bought instead was a ticket to a surreal fun house, a cascade of unthinkable thoughts, each leading to another that is even more bizarre.
What triggers that unthinkable thought is Ray's hiring of two new prosecutors last week.
It turns out that the real unthinkable thought was not thermonuclear doomsday, but the end of the cold war.
-we must think unthinkable thoughts and ask unanswerable questions.
Once you gave space to the first unthinkable thought, so many things made sense.
Granny Weatherwax screwed up her eyes for a moment, and then shook her head as if trying to dislodge an unthinkable thought.
The unthinkable thought which was torturing the sane Worsel was a reality.