"Just wait until people start getting their insurance checks."
Medicaid pays for long-term care but not until people have already spent the majority of their financial assets.
But locked in a room, knowing that she was only alive until people made use of her, didn't make for confidence.
How long until people decide to fight this corruption with violence?
But it wasn't until people stopped fighting each other and learned to cooperate, to hunt together, that the Clan really began.
Until people themselves make reconciliation, the peace process will not be successful.
There was a moment of silence until people absorbed what happened, then I heard screams.
The minutes ticked by without change in the situation until people began to leave.
Furthermore, would she consider postponing decisions until people have had an opportunity to find their feet under the new system?
On the busiest days, later arrivals will have to wait their turn until people in the garden leave.