By contrast, an untitled canvas in which a small figure-like form seems to grasp at a larger one exhudes rage, passion or some other hot-tempered impulse.
A single bold hand print is used as the central motif in one untitled canvas, which is the most overt statement about the artist's being physically part of the work.
Gerald Jackson highlights the physicality of paint in an untitled canvas, which also exploits the medium's versatility and contradicts the stereotype of acrylic as a lifeless material.
Mr. Marden picks out a small Still, an untitled blue canvas, from 1943, sparsely decorated with black, yellow and red smears and squiggles.
References to games and a pattern of interlacing, spidery forms in an untitled canvas from 1946 are echoes from the steel "Billiard Player" of a year earlier.
His earlier work, a small untitled canvas, is a design of loops that support one another like soap bubbles.
But one buyer was interested in the evening's second de Kooning, a brightly colored untitled canvas from 1971 that Phillips estimated at $900,000 to $1.2 million.
Mr. Dash's large untitled canvas continues his successful efforts of the past few years to merge the visual force of Abstract Expressionism with subjects from life.
In her large square untitled canvas, finely controlled black scribbles sit up like tall grass and bite the creamy white surface like acid on an engraving plate.
Her latest works, nine untitled canvases from the last two years, show her combining these two proclivities.