Yesterday afternoon, a brief ceremony marked the 10th anniversary of this untitled piece.
My favorite work at Pace is a tall, rough piece of granite, untitled, from 1983.
Anish Kapoor received the prize for an untitled piece in sandstone and pigment.
Martin notes in particular one of the untitled pieces about Hertza region:
Or perhaps, since it stands near the hospital door, this untitled piece represents a recently discharged patient all spruced up for the ride home.
This can be reinforced by the way Argento describes the process, "an untitled piece.
The other piece - untitled, somewhat stained - showed two men on a bench, perhaps in a sauna.
The first is Theodore Waddell's untitled, undated piece which stands near the building's west entrance.
The album features nine untitled pieces, consisting of Haino's voice and percussion.
The last was best: a new, untitled piece with Moroccan and Cuban tendencies.