Incipient transformation is implied in Mary Leto's untitled works, which feature chrysalis-like attachments on bare branches.
These include "New Orleans Window" (circa late 1940's or early 50's) and several untitled works from the 1950's.
His untitled works include several images of people versus tanks.
The park contains untitled works by artists Aizenberg, Clorindo Testa, and Jenny Holzer.
One of his untitled works is shaped roughly like a heart, an analogy that is furthered by its veinlike decoration.
Hairy and scary ... one of Altmejd's untitled works.
Returning to the United States, Kadish spent a couple of years in New York, where he painted the three untitled works from the mid-1940's that are included here.
The largest of these untitled works consists of three hides on which are poured two horizontal pools of paraffin wax.
With a series of untitled works from 1972, he juxtaposes crosshatches with fragments of limbs and faces, like shards of antique statues.
Howard sometimes used the same title more than once, or the same title has been attached to untitled works by others.