But those who go there will discover an ancient land yet untouched by chain restaurants and boutique hotels.
Beneath them lay nothing but untouched land, which did not reveal any sign of artificial or synthetic development.
It is a great spot not only to experience Australia's remarkable wildlife in its natural environment, but also to hike through untouched bush land.
Therefore, only untouched lands were covered under Article 27.
Cutter found it impossible to imagine land untouched by Torque.
Also, the value of untouched land goes well beyond claustrophobic city limits.
In areas capable of growing basic crops, and therefore most able to support people, untouched lands have diminished to just 2 percent of the total.
As the economy became a bigger part of society, many country new-comers quickly realized the potential and monetary value that lay in the untouched land.
Natura 2000 needs natural, untouched land that is not wooded or cultivated, in other words wetlands.
There are still lands untouched by the war, but they grow fewer each year.