Au contraire , I suspect it is the most meaningful and untranslatable word in the four-word phrase.
John Jeremiah Sullivan defines querencia as "an untranslatable Spanish word that means something like 'the place where you are your most authentic self.'"
That almost untranslatable word means bloodymindedness, defiance and spite.
He raised his arms wide and shouted a series of untranslatable words, ending with 'nice!'
Č "It's one of those compelling, untranslatable words that forces one to use them.
The untranslatable word resonates from the little speaker, pronounced "esucker" and "saka" respectively.
Were there unique or untranslatable Yiddish words or idioms that you especially wanted to include in the novel?
All language is really idiom (mutually agreed meaning)... Thus, the untranslatable words above.
Finally, when discussing English as a lingua franca it is noteworthy to mention what some researchers call "untranslatable" words and what that means for technical translation.
Some prefer to treat the word 'conscience' as an untranslatable foreign word or technical term, without its normal English meaning.