Administration of L-arginine alone did not alter the resting blood pressure in untreated animals.
Animals given the drug before or shortly after exposure to pox virus survive, whereas untreated animals die.
In comparison, untreated animals that were exposed to similar large doses of gamma radiation developed acute radiation sickness and died within days.
Treated and untreated animals that recover from M. haemofelis infections generally remain carriers but seldom relapse with clinical disease.
However, Bernard et al. [ 10 ] reported that there were no statistically significant differences between ibuprofen-treated and untreated animals with regards to their 30-day survival rate.
However, the levels of urine PGE 2 were higher at 12 hours in both treated and untreated animals, but the difference was not statistically significant.
All three untreated animals died.
In untreated animals, only half the neurons survived after two weeks.
The possibility of vaccination was first permitted in 2000, but was subject to strict rules since untreated animals could also have been infected by the viruses through the vaccine.
Freshly isolated cells from untreated animals expressed low levels of both total p38 and p44/42 MAP kinase as determined by western blot analysis (Fig.