This mRNA accumulates rapidly after treatment with hydrogen peroxide, reaching levels up to 40-fold greater than those seen in untreated cells within 2h.
While one of the methylated cell lines showed expression in untreated cells, all other cell lines did not show detectable levels of mRNA.
Results were reported as percent growth of respective untreated cells allowed to grow in serum containing media.
It is not recommended for untreated bacterial cells.
Values for apoptosis for green tea or cat's claw, but not ascorbate, were lowered to a level that was indistinguishable from control, untreated cells.
Treated skin cells, Dr. Shay said, had doubled 40 times more after untreated cells had become senescent, and as of last week were still growing strongly.
This experiment likely overestimates p27 half-life in untreated cells, as SKP2 was itself downregulated by CHX (data not shown).
No difference was observed in the protein levels of CDK4 or CDK2 between pon A treated and untreated cells.
Here, lysosomal pH in untreated cells is very homogeneous, and estimated to be 4.3-4.5.
Cell area was used to normalize between cells, thus the ratio of intensity to area was calculated for the treated and untreated cells.