This led to significant increases in plaque area compared with untreated controls [ 34].
All four transcripts showed approximately 2-4 fold increases in response to 100 mM sodium chloride stress compared to untreated controls.
Prontosan activity was compared with Ringer's solution, saline and an untreated control.
Neither study used an untreated control or implemented double-blind controls.
In the following studies, Iscador proved safe and effective and also showed a significant survival advantage over untreated controls.
A total of 1,442 patient records (710 treated patients and 732 untreated controls) were randomly selected from medical institutions that provided both standard and alternative treatments.
The fibroblast-like cells appeared in the CD34-depleted cultures at the same time as in untreated controls (usually day 3 or 4).
Effects of cimetidine and histamine of the cells were calculated as a percentage of the untreated controls.
Results are expressed as the percentage of the untreated control.
Each experiment contained an untreated control that was used for comparison with TNFα treated samples.